Monday, December 2, 2013

Reflective Post

By Education Innovation from Latism

As I look back on my experience while taking this Introduction To Technology For Educators class, I find it amazing how much I truely have learned. The amount of information on the use of technology I have gained is breath taking to me. At first I was apprehensive, I had no experience with computers and none the less using "blogs" or making my own websites, but now I have the ability to do that and even more. I now can communicate and share my work through technology without hesitating and it is the best feeling ever. Now that this class is coming to an end, I can enhance my teaching and learning in the classroom. The "Transforming learning with new technologies" textbook was a real eye-opener, while writing out all my journal blogs on each chapter I would find at least five different tools or facts that were useful to me. Believe it or not, I even got to relate to most of the information that was being presented in the textbook, it made me even more interested. When it came to the Class Discussions, I got deep into finding information that was perfect for my topic. I 

Wordle: Encouraging reflective thought and action
By SCTNZ from Wikispaces
especially enjoyed the "Assistive/Adaptive Technology for Students" discussion, due to the fact that I work with ESE Students I related with it personally, it is fascinating to me how technology can take a student with any disabilty to new heights. Our Class Assignments were all very different in the way that I had to learn how to do something new everytime. From the Website Evaluation Rubric, Collaborative Lesson Plan, Webquest, Powerpoint Presentation, Instructional Wiki, and Teacher Webpage ePortfolio, I have aquired all kinds of technology based tools that I am absolutely using from now on. My favorite assignment had to be the Teacher Webpage ePortfolio, I loved using Weebly! I find that this website is so useful in many ways, you could use it for a personal use but also for a professional use. It was also super easy for me to use, I got the hang of it real quick and I'm sure if I can do it, so could others. I can honestly say everything taught during this class was on point, there was a varitety of different skills and tools that were perfectly fitting to what I wanted to get out of taking the class. I would not change a thing about the course, other than wishing I could have caught on a little faster. When it comes down to it, like I have said many times,
the world has come to revolve around technology, we all have to learn to adapt to them. Being a part of a group to complete an assignment has also helped me in a great way in this class, while working on the "Instructional Wiki" assignment I had some issues rise up when trying to finish my page, but with the help of my group members I became more and more knowledgeable. Peer Evaluation during this class has also been a push to do better in each and every assignments. While posting my "Discussion" assignments, I would recieve awesome feedback from my classmates and I would apply the advice to my next posts. Learning how to involve technical uses into teaching students has become a great and new way of bring my students and I closer. I greatly appreciate and will surely interwine all that I have learned and gained from this class into my future teaching.

Fanini, C., Rusenko, D., & Veltri, D. (n.d.). Free website | Free blog | Create a free website | Weebly. Retrieved November 30, 2013, from
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chapter 11 Journal Blog

Engaging Teachers and Students in Learning and Self-Reflection
1. How can students become actively involved in assessment and evaluation using technology?
When wanting to reel in students into assignments or certain tasks technology is the "go-to" tool. Children's eyes are caught quickly to attention when they are using a computer, tablet, IPod, etc. It makes an assessment for fun and easy for them, it is an everyday use of theirs, and applying it in school is what they want. Using technology is what they look foward to in a classroom, you can positive results and better yet, actively invovled students! I personally use technology in my classroom and I see the constant gain of knowledge with my students. Since they are drawn in to the technology device, it makes it simple for them to learn. I find it very nessecary to intergrate technology within education. When wanting to have students participate, you need to bring material that is fimilar to them, and technology based material is what they connect to best now a days.
2. Tech Tool 11.2 - Online Survey Building Resources
Online Survey's is a foreign topic to me, but the concept of having an effecting way to assess prior knowledge is a great idea to me. Not only does this invlove students to recollect what they have learned but it lets you as an educator see what they have learned also. Online Surveys also take in information that students would like to learn in the future. It is easy for students to use these type of surveys because there really is no "wrong" and "right", it's pure opinion and self-knowledge. This Tech Tool shows teachers certain online tools that can help them get together their students opinions and knowledge on certain topics. Zoomerang is one of the "easy-to-use" online survery building tools shown. It gives teachers the opportunity to have different topics and themed surveys to build. I can see teachers using this in every day lessons, to me it is very quick and easy to use. I enjoy how you can even change the design of the survey to make it your own. This tool can be used in my classroom to see what my students prefer and know from past teachings.
3. Summary
Chapter eleven is based on teaching teachers how to use digital portfolios and any performance assessment technologies to evaluate their students own learning. It also focuses on how students will be evaluating their peers using technology based tools. Chapter eleven shows how student participation can increase when using participation systems such as Online Surveys. Self-reflective learning is what helps students grow and help shape their education. Being a student at Edison, I constantly am self-evaluation aswell as peer-evaluating and it honestly build you up as a student. I find it easier to fix your downfalls and learn from it when using performance assessment technologies. I have grown academically by being fully invovled by using my personal reflection.
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Chapter 10 Journal Blog

Promoting Success for All Students through Technology
1. How does assistive technology support efforts by teachers to reach all learners?
In any given classroom, students show different levels of learning and comprehension. Some may show difficulty with reading and writting due to language and culture, while others may have trouble with mathematics and science. Then comes specific students with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities that face their own barriers when it comes to learning. When assistive technology is correctly intergrated into the classroom, it gives students a chance to do certain tasks more quickly, easily, or independently. The flexibility of assistive technology allows a teacher to build tools and  materials that focus on the student's prime strengths and yet enhances their weaknesses. As an ESE teacher, I come to apply many of these assistive technologies that make it possible for me to communicate with my students that are not capable of speaking. I find it very relieving to have at least tools that can get me to understand and be able to transmit information to my students. Without any assistive technology around in classroom based settings things can be very difficult in every day to day learning and teaching.
2. Tech Tool 10.1 - Extra-Large and Online Calculators
There is a special calculator that has been enlarged into a greater proportion for easy access, as well as use. The CC16 "Extra-Large" calculator is a tool used to engage students. It brings all of the nessecary operations that all generic calculators have, such as; adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. This calcualtor is also not as heavy as it might seem, which is another factor that comes to be suprising to students. To me, students learn with the eye, it may sound quite weird but if you look at it in a mathematical term, when a student sees a long equation, their instant though is "I can't do this" or "I don't want to do this". They are appealed by the eye, and this calculator does exactly that. I enjoy how it is easy for students to visually be able to see the calculators certain functions in a bigger way (literally). This is a new teaching tool that students are obviously going to want to use, just because of it's size and apperance. I personally would use this whenever I am doing a math-related lesson, my ESE students would be very intrigued by the fact that this "new" tool is something different to their eyes.
3. Summary
In chapter ten, the theory of computer technologies is expanded. Their are so many opportunities to use them in every day learning within education. Teachers can use them to meet students needs, whether a student is in a regular, or special ed classroom. These computer based technologys are useful for all types of learning styles. I think that promoting success for all students through technology is the best thing we, as educators, can do for our students. Integrating in what they are familiar with in their school experiences can help them tremendously.

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chapter 9 Journal Blog

Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies
1. How can teachers use video resources in their teaching?
The ideal concept in teaching is to have your students gain knowlegde in a way that will stick with them throughout their lives. As time has passed, we have come to live in a world that is surrounded by technology. Educators, such as myself, have to dogde and adapt all the works of these now commonly used technologies. To me, teachers can use videos as a great way to engage students into a specific topic or lesson. It can easily spark up conversation between teacher and student. Videos are also an "ice breaker" in my eyes, they can turn a boring lecture of a lesson into a lively subject shown through a video. Students get the opportunity to be visually stimulized with something they have come to be very familar and comfortable with. Some students now a days even like using any type of technology to help them in their studies, videos are a perfect example of it. Effective teaching comes out of using video resources in the classroom. For instance, while being in this class, I have learned to use videos to help my work become more in depth. Most of the times videos even make a finish product seem more put together for me. I all of a sudden understand a topic a hundred times more than I did without watching a video on the subject. Students can also get "real life" examples of certain subjects your teaching, they can connect more with it, and then understand it more. All in all, I find that teachers can use video resources in many ways that are for the better of education and student growth.
2. Tech Tool 9.1 - Visual Learning With Digital Projectors and Interactive Whiteboards
Such things as Digital Projectors and Interactive Whiteboards have become an essential part of a classroom. They can easily make a presentation or clip an experience that everyone can see in a larger scale.  These tools for me, give a connection to students in a more personal way. When having presentations such as a powerpoint, students can project their work on a Digital Projector that makes their work enlarge and big enough for everyone in the class see. Not only do you get to be more creative with your work but you can add in certain more interactive hints to your presentation to make it more apppealing. Lessons can even be shown on the board, sort of like a big screen. Notes are taken easier this way, it is a reliever for both teachers and students. The most amazing part of a Digital Projector for me is that you can use pictures and videos straight off the internet and just show it to the classroom right then and there! There is no need for having to go through such hassels anymore. I would use a Digital Projector in my everyday to day classroom to show my students certain pictures and words that have to do with the weeks lesson. I would even show them nice interactive videos that they would all enjoy!
3. Summary
This chapter narrows into how to interact with students by using videos, PowerPoint presentations, DVDs, movie-making softwares, digital camera's, and even podcasts/vodcasts! All these tools are shown in this chapter to include students in making and sharing their thoughts and creations with them. Teachers like me can use the information in this chapter greatly by learning how to incorporate the use of digital technology in class to get on a deeper level with my students. This is the "new" way to get our generation of students to enjoy being in the classroom. They have to be familar to the tools used to teach. I personally feel that it is essential in education to learn how to adapt, we need to help students learn in the ways they learn best.

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chapter 8 Journal Blog

Communicating and Networking with Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and More
1.  How can teachers use communications technologies as teacing and learning tools?
To enhance teaching and learning as educators, communications technologies is a must. Especially now that we are living in a technology based world, it is nessecary for teachers to have their students communicate with them through technology. Communications Technologies are tools that make quick and easy sharing of information from one person to another possible. This is very helpful in a classroom, teachers can use it for notes and even lessons. There are so many tools, a few of them would be; Email, Classroom websites, Blogs, and Online Discussions. For me, Blogs, just like the one I am using at this very second is effective. Although at first it may look hard, it is fairly easy, and neat to use when it comes to sharing information with other people. Communicationg through technology is also a perfect way to share information with students who are absent or not in the class for any reason. In general, I feel that the use of communication technology is an effective means for opening greater educational opportunities. The use of technology creates a powerful learning  enviroment, where students are given the chance to aquire knowledge in an activity.
2.Tech Tool 8.1 - Teacher Website and Blog-Building Resources
In this Tech Tool, there are three different approaches to building your own teacher website or blog. As it says, it can be very costly to download your own software that will build it up for you, teachers need less expensive alternatives. The approach that would best work for me was "Approach 1 (Website and Blog-Building Software)". This certain approach gives me the option of downloading either "Dreamweaver" or "FrontPage" on my personal computer to help me set-up a personal website.I really enjoy this idea because it says to have a easy access of learning and setting up my own website, which is something that would be very helpful in the long run. Both of the programs it gives you to choose from have ranges of ways to make your website, either basic or elaborately sophisticated. I can see myself getting carried away and making tons of my own personal websites with these softwares!
3. Summary
Chapter eight really helped me understand and gather information on how I, as a teacher, can put together communication technology skills in my classroom. It mainly focuses on the variety of tools and ways you can interwine computers and other technologies with your students. I feel that email, instant messaging, threaded disscusions, boards, and blogs are all the most effective ways to bring students and teacher together. When communicating one on one you get to teach more material and in ways that make it easy and second nature to students. Communicating and Networking with websites, blogs, and more to me are the future of learning and education.
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Chapter 7 Journal Blog

1.       How can teachers use computer games and simulations as learning resources?

Now a days, children are living in a “digital age”. They love and enjoy playing all these new and challenging games on their IPads, IPods, IPhone, etc. It has become inevitable for children to not be attracted to using these simulations during school. For me personally, I feel that we as educators should allow students to play these interactive games, but with regulations. The certain games they play in the classroom would have to be monitored and based on the lesson. This way, the students are having fun and are learning in a new and fun way for them. Parents see video games and electronics as a distraction to school. They begin to see grades decrease more and more as time passes by, but little do they know that all these electronics could be brought to school so that they could be incorporated into their everyday learning at school. There are some schools, like my daughters’, that are starting to infuse a new proposition for students. “BYOD” or “Bring Your Own Device” is a technique they are beginning to use so that both students and teachers could interact with one another based on the classroom materials. I feel like using electronic games and simulations is the new way to reel children into becoming better and more successful students.
2.       Tech Tool 7.1 – Discovery Learning Using Squeak and Scratch

Just as I was discussing in the Main Idea question, this Tech Tool goes over two new resources teachers can use as enhancements to their students learning. While using these tools the students are going to be engaged as well as interested, giving them a sense of comfort, given the fact that technology is what children are used to now. “Squeak Etoys”, is a software program that you can download free, it specifically supports math and science teaching skills. I love how this program reaches out to every grade level and goes into detail on the different levels that are in both math and science. To me, this would be a very cool and fun way to review on a certain lesson, having the students interact, hands-on with what the material is based on. New techniques are what help students remember and keep a hold on what it is they are learning about and I feel that this program is a component to help.
3.       Summary

This chapter touches base on the ways educational software help problem solving and the ability for students to learn in all grades. Not only do you have a variety of free-download based programs to use for certain subjects of choice, but you can too consider commercially used programs. The goal here is to intertwine education software and its tools to students in the classroom, to also achieve this, chapter seven goes over “NETS-T” which helps to develop and design the Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments and promotes the right model citizenship and responsibility that comes with digital technology. I find it amazing how much this different programs and resources can really catch students attentions and have them participate in large numbers. 

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Chapter 6 Journal Blog

Teaching with Educational Websites and Other Online Resources

1.       How are information management technologies such as booking marking, social book marking, and information alerts useful to teachers?

All three of these information management technologies are useful to teachers overall because they are what enable educators and students to build their own information electronically. Book marking, is when you have all your” favorite” websites linked at the top of your internet page, so that it becomes easy to access. This technique is definitely a great tool for teachers because they can categorize favorite links depending on the specific topics, to make it easier to find when it is time to teach lessons. When it comes to doing group actives, Social book marking is very beneficial for teachers because they can use it in groups to exchange and when organizing and sharing information with the whole classroom. It also lets not only teacher, but also the students to share resources that they are particularly working on. As for information alert, I personally think it is extremely useful when teachers are planning a particular lesson or subject. Due to the fact that it notifies you when there are newfound materials that can be used based on the lessons topic.

2.       Tech Tool 6.2 - Social Book Marking

I personally really enjoy this social bookmarking tool. The concept of becoming a part of an online community and gaining from everyone’s information is a great advantage. When I first learned about Delicious I was excited and felt that it’s a great tool for people to sort, organize, and gather together important  as well as useful information all in one place. This web-based social bookmarking tool can be used to view other teachers accounts and also helps you note certain websites you have looked at. Being able to use “tags”, is a whole new idea for me, but as I read about Delicious and how to use tags, I am becoming more open to becoming a part of it. These tags can help us teachers go back to specific pages that we have saved in a new and easy way. Everything you have on your delicious account can be sent to friends and other teachers who would like to share your ideas to their students! In my everyday life at work, Delicious would help remind me where certain ideas and web-pages are based on my lesson plans with just a click of a button.
                                                                         3.       Summary

This chapter discussed the importance of information management and how teachers can incorporate all the important and valuable sources with their students. It elaborates in detail about how book marking, social book marking and information alerts are great and useful tool to help enhance a lesson plan. Which to me, is something that all teachers should look deeply into, these certain tips can make our teaching stress-free. Along with book marking, social book marking and information alerts, this chapter also discusses web guest and virtual field trips. It showed me how great it is to be able to travel around the world without leaving the classrooms through online audio, videos and pictures. Information management is not a choice; it is an obligation to have in a class in order to have well functioning student and teacher engagement. By considering these sources, you could be organized and feel more comfortable with technologies new tools.
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Chapter 5 Journal Blog

Researching and Evaluating Internet Information

1.      How can teachers respond to problems of plagiarism when students use online resources?

Plagiarism is sadly something that becomes inevitable to students in this “technology era” we are living in. Directly copying or quoting someone else’s exact words without permission is a crime, teachers can be very cautious when it comes to plagiarism and their students. The number one contributor to plagiarism is hands down The Internet. The Internet gives students a variety of opportunities to directly copy texts off online books, reports, etc. Just because it happens to be placed on the web, does not mean that it’s free to use. As a teacher, they are options such as websites that can track down what exactly is plagiarized and not plagiarized in assignments, examples of these websites are;,, and Not only do these resources force students to come up with their own information but it also gives students the push they need to expand in education. Another way to prevent plagiarism is to have teachers assign tasks that obligate students to write addresses of each issue they used in their assignments, that way they have proof of using the material. Educators can put an end to plagiarism by primarily using their authority and perseverance towards their students.  

2.      Tech Tool 5.1: Photo and Audio Resourced on the Web

My primary way of teaching is that of a visual and hands-on aspect. I believe that student’s best learn and connect with education when they can interact and think into depth about the subject matter. Images and audio are two valuable ways of reeling in students, to engage them and make them more involved in the classroom. It becomes a different way of learning other than just listening to a teacher’s voice. Pictures make students have a special connection with a subject or topic and audio helps students remember concepts in an easy but fun way. As a teacher myself and also working with ESE students considering that when teaching certain of them I have to be very hands-on, I find that using images and audio in all my lessons and activities help my students little by little get stronger in their learning abilities. Not only does it catch their eyes and ears, but they connect two and two together and fascinatingly understand more. Shown in this Tech Tool, Flickr is one site that can help and enable teachers to use pictures and audio sources straight from the web in an easy way. Flickr is an online photo generator and sharing tool, to teachers this can be super helpful and stress-free. Now that I am personally learning how to use and infuse images and audio from Flickr, I have come to incorporate them into my everyday lessons at school with my students. By using Flickr, I can directly search any theme I am teaching and quickly find perfect images and videos to use on my everyday basis to teach! This gives not only my students something to visually look forward to, but it also gives me as the teacher an exciting and easy new way to approach my students to make their learning experience different.  

                                                                     3.  Summary

The basic learning goal of this chapter comes down to teaching both teachers and students how to assess their responsibilities and how to use the vast information that is in the Internet. To students now a days, when they have to research an assignment they go directly to the Internet as their primary use. The crime of the Internet is that not ALL that is put up is true, you have to be assertive when it comes to knowing what you will use is actually correct, this chapter also gives you ways of knowing how your information is valid (Information Literacy). In the chapter, it goes through Plagiarism and the different ways teachers can prevent it. Being surrounded in the constant technology, students are tempted to copy and quote the exact words they see online in their schoolwork. Teachers can quickly stop this problem by using  sites that detect Plagiarism and also obligating students to use crediting of their sites. I’ve learned how to be more alert while I use the internet for anything, they’re so many things put out on the web that are not even true. Being that I’m just beginning learning how to use the Internet, I’ve had to take in Information Literacy into consideration and keep it in mind to assess all that I come by on the web. When it comes to dealing with Plagiarism, taking courses at Edison I’ve too learned how to make sure that I am not copying nor quoting any texts that I’ve gotten on any sites. Researching and evaluating internet information is essential in the cyber world, you have to learn and apply these certain tools while your online.

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Chapter 4 Journal Blog

photo credit to Marsmettnn Tallahassee on Flickr 

Intergrating Technology and Creating Change
1. How does technology promote educational change?
Technology promotes educational change in numberous of ways. For students, it changes their perspective on how they look at learning. No longer will school be a drag, having to work and interact using technology gives students something fun to look foward to. All this change comes from the teacher primeraly, in order to even teach these new assesments and abilities they will need to become experts in using technology in the classroom. Creating change is a collaboration between a confident teacher and confident, eager students.   
2. Tech Tool 4.1 - Online Technology Intergration Resources
After this Tech Tool, it helped me gain knowledge on where to go for additional assistance, being that I am new to using techonology in my classroom. I found it very informative, not knowing about any of these fantastic resources avaliable online. Going through technology intergration can be stressfull when you become a teacher, you already have responsibilities and worrys to handle. The thought of "Technology Intergration" can make it even more stressfull. The three technology resources given in this Tech Tool are used to make teachers lifes easier. Edutopia, National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers, and NCTE, are all made to inhance the use of technology in a classroom.
In chapter 4, Technology Intergration and the will to change education encourages change in a classroom aswell as in the world. It's based on how teachers approach using technology to students in a new and fresh way. This chapter is making you aware of how important it is to interwine technology to education, the "digital inequality" is a major role in way we, as teachers need to change for the better. In a personal perspective, I myself feel that interacting to change my classroom into the technology era is a obligation. Students will learn how to use new skills and apply them to the "real world."
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Chapter 3 Journal Blog

Developing Lessons with Technology
1. How can teachers evaluate and assess their students?
Teachers can assess and evaluate their students by using online tools that can overlook what your students are doing. There is no need for using grading with a red pen anymore, now a days it is best and easier to use online grading and even taking test online.It gives teachers the chance to monitor each students progress and with it being able to modify a lesson to fit the students academic needs. Many teachers can even monitor what their students are doing in class. Assessing students has becoming much easier throughout the years. 

2. Tech Tools 3.3 - Online Rubrics and Quizzes 
Teachers can come to find making Rubrics and Quizzes online difficult, but in many ways it can help them save time. These two templates allow teachers to access what they need in a matter of seconds. The RubiStar as said in the book is an, "online tool for creating rubrics electronically", it ranks students in either a number form or a category form. To me, this can help the students see where they stand on their own. QuizStar helps teachers to create multiple choice and short response quizzes so that students and study off of them. An opportunity like this saves so much time and is also an easy way to grade considering that the computer does it for you. I would personally love to use either one of these applications later on in my career. I want to get as much involved in the technology as possible to better my teaching skills.
3. Summary
Developing lessons using technology becomes ten times easier for teachers and also for students. Learning how to develop a lesson online is so convenient and less time consuming. This chapter teaches you how focusing more on the information and skills students are going to be able to use can boost their education. By using the internet and applications like; QuizStar and RubicStar, teachers can asses their students in a new and easy way.Having a template ready to be filled in, is great for teachers because it gives them extra time to elaborate on what the lesson will consist of. I find it very useful and smart to use all these different teaching skills in a everyday to day bases. 
photo credit to Denise Krebs on Flickr

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Chapter 2 Journal Blog

Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology
1. How can students express their creativity using technology?
Students are able to be creative through so many different types of technology. For instance, a variety of websites influence how they construct whatever it is they are creating. By using photo websites students can pull literally anything they could possibly think of and use it. Even having to research information has become so easy for students, this empowers them to learn even more. The internet itself gives students their own "voice" so to speak. They automatically absorb whatever it is they are seeing when they use technology.

2. Tech Tool 2.5 - Web Resources For Creativity
There is a vast variety of websites that allow students to be creative online. Not only do they get to be creative but they also can compete against one another. In my perspective, having these amazing websites that let students have a place where they feel they can express themselves to everyone is great. They zone into every aspect of subjects, such as; designing, poetry, and, storytelling. Any student can find at least one website that they feel like they could connect to and possibly join in on the fun. 

3. Summary
Using technology can make a classrooms energy change. The learning experiences of students start to become unique and powerful if teachers infuse technology in their everyday teaching. Visual learning, accessing and assessing information, student engagement and collaboration, feedback, and creativity, as said in the book are five powerful, unique, and trans formative learning experiences. Visually, in my eyes, technology impacts students the most. The internet, Google, etc. give students a limited amount of information. Now a days, both teachers and students can even communicate over time. Personally, being able to use any tool possible in technology really does support students creative actions.
Photo Credit To YoungDoo Moon on Flickr

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chapter One Journal Blog

1. How do new technologies create new opportunities for teaching and learning? 
In many ways, technology creates various new opportunities and advantages for teaching and learning. It gains the quality of a class discussion allowing the students to become much more involved. Teaching will not be limited to book work or lectures, having hand-on assignments using technology expands the focus of a lesson in a different way. The amount of engagement from students increases and it impacts on their learning. 

2. Tech Tool 1.1 - Ultra-portable Laptop Computers
Coming from a teachers perspective, the concept of a portable laptop seems to be the most convenient thing around. Like it was said in the passage, "Teachers do not so much carry their lessons in their heads", this is true, we don't have the ability to store so much within us, having to carry around our actual lessons is a hassle. Now a days, computers make it so simple to store anything you can possibly think of. I myself come to think that having a machine that is practically weightless, has a great battery life, and carries an eminence amount of memory is ideal.

3. Chapter Summary
This chapter discusses how becoming involved into the "technology world" can help and evolve teaching. Using technology to teach and spread education gives the students a way of engaging and interacting in the classroom way more. You will also learn in this chapter that you, as a beginner in using technology have to be open into using it. Being confident in using all these skills can help you, as a successful teacher to enhance not only yourself, but also your students.   

  • Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.