Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Chapter 4 Journal Blog

photo credit to Marsmettnn Tallahassee on Flickr 

Intergrating Technology and Creating Change
1. How does technology promote educational change?
Technology promotes educational change in numberous of ways. For students, it changes their perspective on how they look at learning. No longer will school be a drag, having to work and interact using technology gives students something fun to look foward to. All this change comes from the teacher primeraly, in order to even teach these new assesments and abilities they will need to become experts in using technology in the classroom. Creating change is a collaboration between a confident teacher and confident, eager students.   
2. Tech Tool 4.1 - Online Technology Intergration Resources
After this Tech Tool, it helped me gain knowledge on where to go for additional assistance, being that I am new to using techonology in my classroom. I found it very informative, not knowing about any of these fantastic resources avaliable online. Going through technology intergration can be stressfull when you become a teacher, you already have responsibilities and worrys to handle. The thought of "Technology Intergration" can make it even more stressfull. The three technology resources given in this Tech Tool are used to make teachers lifes easier. Edutopia, National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers, and NCTE, are all made to inhance the use of technology in a classroom.
In chapter 4, Technology Intergration and the will to change education encourages change in a classroom aswell as in the world. It's based on how teachers approach using technology to students in a new and fresh way. This chapter is making you aware of how important it is to interwine technology to education, the "digital inequality" is a major role in way we, as teachers need to change for the better. In a personal perspective, I myself feel that interacting to change my classroom into the technology era is a obligation. Students will learn how to use new skills and apply them to the "real world."
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

1 comment:

  1. "Creating change is a collaboration between a confident teacher and confident, eager students." is a powerful statement. To me that means that the attitude of creating our own future is definitely within our reach. The focus, then, is really on attitude (pure and simple) - confidence will come on its own...as will skill and depth.

    Speaking of depth - please be sure to just choose one Tech Tool and uncover that in great depth rather than being so generic in your writing. Explore the website/tool - how would you use it? Why would it be better than another? critique it! :)
