Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chapter 9 Journal Blog

Creating and Sharing Information with Multimedia Technologies
1. How can teachers use video resources in their teaching?
The ideal concept in teaching is to have your students gain knowlegde in a way that will stick with them throughout their lives. As time has passed, we have come to live in a world that is surrounded by technology. Educators, such as myself, have to dogde and adapt all the works of these now commonly used technologies. To me, teachers can use videos as a great way to engage students into a specific topic or lesson. It can easily spark up conversation between teacher and student. Videos are also an "ice breaker" in my eyes, they can turn a boring lecture of a lesson into a lively subject shown through a video. Students get the opportunity to be visually stimulized with something they have come to be very familar and comfortable with. Some students now a days even like using any type of technology to help them in their studies, videos are a perfect example of it. Effective teaching comes out of using video resources in the classroom. For instance, while being in this class, I have learned to use videos to help my work become more in depth. Most of the times videos even make a finish product seem more put together for me. I all of a sudden understand a topic a hundred times more than I did without watching a video on the subject. Students can also get "real life" examples of certain subjects your teaching, they can connect more with it, and then understand it more. All in all, I find that teachers can use video resources in many ways that are for the better of education and student growth.
2. Tech Tool 9.1 - Visual Learning With Digital Projectors and Interactive Whiteboards
Such things as Digital Projectors and Interactive Whiteboards have become an essential part of a classroom. They can easily make a presentation or clip an experience that everyone can see in a larger scale.  These tools for me, give a connection to students in a more personal way. When having presentations such as a powerpoint, students can project their work on a Digital Projector that makes their work enlarge and big enough for everyone in the class see. Not only do you get to be more creative with your work but you can add in certain more interactive hints to your presentation to make it more apppealing. Lessons can even be shown on the board, sort of like a big screen. Notes are taken easier this way, it is a reliever for both teachers and students. The most amazing part of a Digital Projector for me is that you can use pictures and videos straight off the internet and just show it to the classroom right then and there! There is no need for having to go through such hassels anymore. I would use a Digital Projector in my everyday to day classroom to show my students certain pictures and words that have to do with the weeks lesson. I would even show them nice interactive videos that they would all enjoy!
3. Summary
This chapter narrows into how to interact with students by using videos, PowerPoint presentations, DVDs, movie-making softwares, digital camera's, and even podcasts/vodcasts! All these tools are shown in this chapter to include students in making and sharing their thoughts and creations with them. Teachers like me can use the information in this chapter greatly by learning how to incorporate the use of digital technology in class to get on a deeper level with my students. This is the "new" way to get our generation of students to enjoy being in the classroom. They have to be familar to the tools used to teach. I personally feel that it is essential in education to learn how to adapt, we need to help students learn in the ways they learn best.

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chapter 8 Journal Blog

Communicating and Networking with Websites, Blogs, Wikis, and More
1.  How can teachers use communications technologies as teacing and learning tools?
To enhance teaching and learning as educators, communications technologies is a must. Especially now that we are living in a technology based world, it is nessecary for teachers to have their students communicate with them through technology. Communications Technologies are tools that make quick and easy sharing of information from one person to another possible. This is very helpful in a classroom, teachers can use it for notes and even lessons. There are so many tools, a few of them would be; Email, Classroom websites, Blogs, and Online Discussions. For me, Blogs, just like the one I am using at this very second is effective. Although at first it may look hard, it is fairly easy, and neat to use when it comes to sharing information with other people. Communicationg through technology is also a perfect way to share information with students who are absent or not in the class for any reason. In general, I feel that the use of communication technology is an effective means for opening greater educational opportunities. The use of technology creates a powerful learning  enviroment, where students are given the chance to aquire knowledge in an activity.
2.Tech Tool 8.1 - Teacher Website and Blog-Building Resources
In this Tech Tool, there are three different approaches to building your own teacher website or blog. As it says, it can be very costly to download your own software that will build it up for you, teachers need less expensive alternatives. The approach that would best work for me was "Approach 1 (Website and Blog-Building Software)". This certain approach gives me the option of downloading either "Dreamweaver" or "FrontPage" on my personal computer to help me set-up a personal website.I really enjoy this idea because it says to have a easy access of learning and setting up my own website, which is something that would be very helpful in the long run. Both of the programs it gives you to choose from have ranges of ways to make your website, either basic or elaborately sophisticated. I can see myself getting carried away and making tons of my own personal websites with these softwares!
3. Summary
Chapter eight really helped me understand and gather information on how I, as a teacher, can put together communication technology skills in my classroom. It mainly focuses on the variety of tools and ways you can interwine computers and other technologies with your students. I feel that email, instant messaging, threaded disscusions, boards, and blogs are all the most effective ways to bring students and teacher together. When communicating one on one you get to teach more material and in ways that make it easy and second nature to students. Communicating and Networking with websites, blogs, and more to me are the future of learning and education.
Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Chapter 7 Journal Blog

1.       How can teachers use computer games and simulations as learning resources?

Now a days, children are living in a “digital age”. They love and enjoy playing all these new and challenging games on their IPads, IPods, IPhone, etc. It has become inevitable for children to not be attracted to using these simulations during school. For me personally, I feel that we as educators should allow students to play these interactive games, but with regulations. The certain games they play in the classroom would have to be monitored and based on the lesson. This way, the students are having fun and are learning in a new and fun way for them. Parents see video games and electronics as a distraction to school. They begin to see grades decrease more and more as time passes by, but little do they know that all these electronics could be brought to school so that they could be incorporated into their everyday learning at school. There are some schools, like my daughters’, that are starting to infuse a new proposition for students. “BYOD” or “Bring Your Own Device” is a technique they are beginning to use so that both students and teachers could interact with one another based on the classroom materials. I feel like using electronic games and simulations is the new way to reel children into becoming better and more successful students.
2.       Tech Tool 7.1 – Discovery Learning Using Squeak and Scratch

Just as I was discussing in the Main Idea question, this Tech Tool goes over two new resources teachers can use as enhancements to their students learning. While using these tools the students are going to be engaged as well as interested, giving them a sense of comfort, given the fact that technology is what children are used to now. “Squeak Etoys”, is a software program that you can download free, it specifically supports math and science teaching skills. I love how this program reaches out to every grade level and goes into detail on the different levels that are in both math and science. To me, this would be a very cool and fun way to review on a certain lesson, having the students interact, hands-on with what the material is based on. New techniques are what help students remember and keep a hold on what it is they are learning about and I feel that this program is a component to help.
3.       Summary

This chapter touches base on the ways educational software help problem solving and the ability for students to learn in all grades. Not only do you have a variety of free-download based programs to use for certain subjects of choice, but you can too consider commercially used programs. The goal here is to intertwine education software and its tools to students in the classroom, to also achieve this, chapter seven goes over “NETS-T” which helps to develop and design the Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments and promotes the right model citizenship and responsibility that comes with digital technology. I find it amazing how much this different programs and resources can really catch students attentions and have them participate in large numbers. 

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.