Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chapter One Journal Blog

1. How do new technologies create new opportunities for teaching and learning? 
In many ways, technology creates various new opportunities and advantages for teaching and learning. It gains the quality of a class discussion allowing the students to become much more involved. Teaching will not be limited to book work or lectures, having hand-on assignments using technology expands the focus of a lesson in a different way. The amount of engagement from students increases and it impacts on their learning. 

2. Tech Tool 1.1 - Ultra-portable Laptop Computers
Coming from a teachers perspective, the concept of a portable laptop seems to be the most convenient thing around. Like it was said in the passage, "Teachers do not so much carry their lessons in their heads", this is true, we don't have the ability to store so much within us, having to carry around our actual lessons is a hassle. Now a days, computers make it so simple to store anything you can possibly think of. I myself come to think that having a machine that is practically weightless, has a great battery life, and carries an eminence amount of memory is ideal.

3. Chapter Summary
This chapter discusses how becoming involved into the "technology world" can help and evolve teaching. Using technology to teach and spread education gives the students a way of engaging and interacting in the classroom way more. You will also learn in this chapter that you, as a beginner in using technology have to be open into using it. Being confident in using all these skills can help you, as a successful teacher to enhance not only yourself, but also your students.   

  • Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic to see your blog - imagine all you have learned thus far...and we are only 2 weeks into the class! :)

    You touched on some good concepts in each of the areas - be sure to slant it to your perspective and your opinion, using the information to 'back up'/substantiate your reasoning. Keep working strong. :)
